Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Function Distance(Sx As Double, Sy As Double, Ex As Double, Ey As Double, Precision As Integer) As Double
Dim DltX As Double, DltY As Double
DltX = Ex - Sx
DltY = Ey - Sy
Distance = Round(Sqr(DltX * DltX + DltY * DltY), Precision)
End Function
Sub filter()
Dim Dia1 As Object, Strr As String, PPath As String
Dim filterDist As Integer '抽稀距离
Dim Datums As Variant
Dim RowIndex As Long
Dim rIndex As Long, rIndex2 As Long, xa As Double, ya As Double, xb As Double, yb As Double
RowIndex = 1
filterDist = Sheet1.Cells(1, 6) '抽稀距离
If filterDist = 0 Then filterDist = 2
'Sheet1.Cells(1, 7) = "←F1单元格设置抽稀距离"
'Sheet1.Cells(4, 7) = "cehui@139.com"
Set Dia1 = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
Dia1.Title = "版权所有(C) QQ:61902475 Email:cehui@139.com V20160225"
With Dia1
.AllowMultiSelect = False '限制只能同时选择一个文件
.Filters.Add "南方CASS格式", "*.dat", 1 '限制显示的文件类型
For Each vrtSelectedItem In .SelectedItems
PPath = vrtSelectedItem
End With
If Trim(PPath) <> "" Then
Open PPath For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, Strr
If Trim(Strr) <> "" Then
Datums = Split(Strr, ",")
If UBound(Datums) = 4 Then
Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 1) = RowIndex
Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 2) = ""
Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 3) = Datums(2)
Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 4) = Datums(3)
Sheet1.Cells(RowIndex, 5) = Datums(4)
End If
End If
RowIndex = RowIndex + 1
Close #1
End If
rIndex = 1
rIndex2 = rIndex + 1
Do While Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 1).Text <> ""
If Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 2)) = "" Then
xa = Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 3)
ya = Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 4)
rIndex2 = rIndex + 1
Do While Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 1).Text <> ""
If (Abs(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 3).Text - xa) < filterDist And Abs(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 4).Text - ya) < filterDist) Then
If Distance(xa, ya, Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 3).Text, Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 4).Text, 3) < filterDist And Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 2)) = "" And Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 2)) = "" Then
Sheet1.Cells(rIndex2, 2) = "T"
End If
End If
rIndex2 = rIndex2 + 1
End If
rIndex = rIndex + 1
If Trim(PPath) <> "" Then
rIndex = 1
RowIndex = 1
Open Left(PPath, InStr(UCase(PPath), ".DAT") - 1) & "-抽稀(" & filterDist & "m)-" & Replace(Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd"), "-", "") & "-" & Replace(Time, ":", "") & ".dat" For Output As #2
Do While Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 1)) <> ""
'Sheet1.Cells(5, 7) = rIndex & ":" & RowIndex
If Trim(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 2)) = "" Then
Print #2, RowIndex & ",," & Format(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 3), "0.000") & "," & Format(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 4), "0.000") & "," & Format(Sheet1.Cells(rIndex, 5), "0.000")
RowIndex = RowIndex + 1
End If
rIndex = rIndex + 1
Close #2
End If
End Sub